Here are the 7 steps of Problem-Solving Therapy:
Clarifying and Defining the Problem:
The first step of PST is to clearly define the problem or challenge. Often, problems seem overwhelming because they are hard to put into words or not fully understood. In this step, the situation is broken down into specific, manageable parts, focusing on the aspects that are controllable.
Establishing Realistic and Achievable Goals:
When the problem is defined, the next step is to set clear and realistic goals to be achieved. This helps to give direction and focus to the problem-solving process.
Considering Multiple Solutions:
This creative phase involves brainstorming different possible solutions to the problem, without being quick to judge or evaluate them. The aim is to see as many options as possible, even those that may seem unconventional. This process helps to open up possibilities and avoid fixating on a single solution.
Evaluating and Comparing Solutions:
Next, each potential solution is evaluated based on its pros and cons. Factors such as feasibility, resources needed, potential outcomes, and how each solution aligns with your goals are worked through. This step promotes critical thinking and helps narrow down the options to the most promising solutions.
Choosing the Best Solution:
Based on the evaluation of pros and cons, the best solution, or combination of solutions, that seems most effective and realistic is selected. This decision is made after considering which option is most likely to have the best outcome and is most aligned with your personal values and goals.
Implementing the Solution:
After selecting the best solution, it’s time to put it into action. This step requires a detailed plan outlining specific steps, resources, and a timeline for making it happen. Breaking the solution into smaller, manageable tasks can help prevent feeling overwhelmed and improve the chances of success.
Reviewing the Outcome and Learning from the Experience:
This final step is one of reflecting on the outcome of the solution that was implemented. Did it work? What went well? What could have been done differently? This reflection helps with learning from the experience and applying these skills in the future.
This may sound like a long process, but it can be quite quick. By following these seven structured steps, PST allows us to become more effective problem solvers, which can then reduce stress and improve our lives and overall well-being.
Problem Solving Therapy (PST)
Problem-Solving Therapy (PST) is a cognitive-behavioral tool that focuses on enhancing problem-solving skills to manage stress and life’s difficulties. It is structured around seven key steps designed to help with identifying problems, finding solutions, and implementing effective strategies to cope with challenges.